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1291 Blue River Parkway, Silverthorne, CO 80498 (970) 423-7445

Become a Habitat Homeowner

Home ownership matters. Home ownership contributes to greater financial stability, educational achievement, civic participation, health and overall quality of life. Habitat home ownership is a hand up, not a hand out. Homes are sold to families who qualify, are willing to put in hundreds of sweat equity hours, and repay a low interest loan.

Selection Process

Step 1: Reach out to Summit Habitat for Humanity: 
(use contact info from flyer)

Step 2: Schedule Q&A with Habitat Staff and receive Homeownership Application

Step 3: Complete and Return Homeownership Application, via secure DropBox link

Step 4: Complete Checklist A, via secure DropBox link

Step 5: Complete Checklist B, via secure DropBox link

Step 6: Secure a mortgage product with Dana Holland

Step 7: Start Volunteer Hours, 150 hours per applicant

  • Homeowner Education and Budgeting classes
  • Volunteer for home construction or at ReStore
  • Completing lending paperwork and documentation/s

Additional Information:

Income eligible applicants must earn between 70% – 100% AMI. (see chart on flyer)

Mortgage can not exceed 30% of an applicants monthly income.

Homeowners are expected to pay a minimum of 1% down (estimated $3,250).

All homes are deed restricted.

found pour 5
trusses in place
good front vu

To be included in updates about future application openings for the Fairplay project,

Contact Owen Dodd

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