A Brush with Kindness Quick Facts
Summit Habitat or Humanity’s A Brush with Kindness (BWK) program works with local homeowners who are struggling to maintain safe, decent, housing by supporting basic home repairs and ADA modifications:
- A Brush with Kindness serves income qualified, local, homeowners who are struggling to maintain the safe, decent housing.
- A Brush with Kindness is a partner to Habitat’s core building program. It allows us to serve a different community group, yet follows the same basic tenets for eligibility (need, ability to pay, willingness to partner). It is a direct fit for our work to exponentially increase the number of local community members served.
- A Brush with Kindness uses volunteers, donated materials and no interest loans to make repairs affordable, empowering struggling homeowners to continue living independently and safely in their homes.
- A Brush with Kindness is part of Habitat’s broader community development strategy called the Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative. The Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative is designed to intentionally pursue our strategic imperative of helping to transform and strengthen communities. It is a holistic approach that revitalizes the appearance of the neighborhood, encourages connections within the community, and most importantly, helps preserve affordable housing stock.
- This program is currently only available to Summit County residents.
Apply Today!
Applications are available at our ReStore at 1291 Blue River Parkway in Silverthorne and can be returned to our ReStore or emailed to executivedirector@summithabitat.org.