Fresh Start Program Quick Facts
The Fresh Start Program is the newest initiative from Summit Habitat for Humanity to support local families struggling to overcome loss as a result of fire, flood, or other catastrophic emergencies. It is designed to help keep these struggling families in the County and to help them re-establish safe, decent housing for themselves.
We all can benefit from a hand up during hard times. The Fresh Start Program empowers those reestablishing their sense of home. Through the local generosity of neighbors and philanthropists, and through partnering with local service providers, the Summit Habitat ReStore helps furnish a fresh start.
- Participants MUST be referred by one of our partnering organizations: CASA, FIRC, Summit County Health and Human Services, or Summit Advocates
- A voucher will be issued by the ReStore Manager
- Families shop at the ReStore for anything they need to re-establish their home
- Starting in 2022, Summit Habitat for Humanity will provide up to ten $500 vouchers each year
- This is a community/donor-funded program